The Duties of a Nanny

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Nannies take care of: Feeding the children and responsible for the nutritional needs. Teach them through creative means and teach them to be orderly. Provide love for them and be their parent in some cases. Become a member of the family. Nannies play many roles and wear many hats.

The nanny is the nurse, hugger, childcare provider, body-guard, coach, arts-and-crafts instructor, personal shopper, boo-boo kisser, cheerleader, potty trainer, performer, dresser, janitor, and much much more.

The Life of a Nanny

The word “nanny” in itself conjures forth romantic notions in the minds of most young girls. They imagine an ideal life where the family is upscale and full of money, the children are innocent angels, and the nanny is considered one of the family. Furthermore, the fantasy always includes living in a lavish palace with an army of servants and traveling around the world to see exotic places.

Unfortunately, it’s all a dream, and this type of nannies are to be found in the pages of romance novels. It is as far it can be from reality.

The first fact to keep in mind when investigating the life of a nanny is that there is no typical position or job description. No two families are the same and accordingly the job requirements are quite different from family to family.

The second fact that dictates what’s the nanny’s daily duties and responsibilities largely hinge on how many children in the family, and their ages. Thirdly, it matters if there are two parents or one if the parents work outside the home and if the nanny lives with the family.

Post written by Jeremy Harbough, chief writer for Credit Glory and contributing author for TheDailyMeal.